A blown and aged tree with thick roots has been created in this 2 gallon tank. 5 pieces of Pacific Wood Nano along with 2 highly characteristic Elephant Skin Stones were used to create this look. We recommend a grassy aquatic plant foreground and background with Eleocharis Parvulus Mini or Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae. Mosses such as Mini Christmas Moss can be spread sparingly on the wood. For additional accents, we would suggest Anubias Nana 'Petite' or Bucephalandra around the base of this scape.
Modeled after a 2 gallon nano cube tank.
Save $30 by selecting the STONES TANK package option!Save $50 by selecting the STONES FULL AQUARIUM KIT package option! Package Includes:
UNS Rimless Cube Glass Aquarium Tank with black leveling mat
Nano Filter
LED Light
4lb bag of UP Aqua substrate
Quick Scape 029 Ryuoh Stones
Glass Aqua Quick Scapes are what you see is what you get planted tank rock and wood hardscape layouts that are made ready for a variety of standard aquarium sizes.