A branchy 5 gallon aquarium tank is composed from the use of many Pacific wood hardscape pieces. Each piece of aquarium driftwood was carefully placed to create a classic triangular nature aquarium style aquascape. To complement the dark tones of the Pacific wood, the use of darker green aquatic plants such as Anubias species, Bobitis Heudelotii, Bolbitis Difformis Mini along with colorful aquatic stem plants such as Ludwigia Natans Super Red and Rotala species would create an ethereal underwater world with a mix of bold colors. Alternatively, this aquascape layout would be a great base for a forest of epiphytic aquatic plants such as Microsorum Pteropus species, Bolbitis, Anubias and Bucephlandra. Using sand would produce a beachside cliff feeling and the use of a full aquatic plant foreground would induce a forest setting. The completed aquascape layout will provide plenty of coverage for freshwater fish and shrimp species creating a beautiful nano aquascape that is perfect for a desktop, counter or nightstand setup and more.
Modeled after a 5-gallon nano tank.
Save $30 by selecting the QUICK SCAPE TANK package option!Save $50 by selecting the QUICK SCAPE FULL AQUARIUM KIT package option! Package Includes:
UNS Rimless Nano Glass Aquarium Tank with black leveling mat
Dymax Slim Flo Filter
Aqua Worx LED Light
3L bag of Ultum Nature Systems Controsoil substrate
Quick Scape 055 Pacific Wood Nano
Glass Aqua Quick Scapes are what you see is what you get planted tank rock and wood hardscape layouts that are made ready for a variety of standard aquarium sizes.